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Resource management law

Resource management law

When it comes to environmental matters, we’re the leaders in the resource management law field.

Workers outside at factory

Our years of experience have provided an intrinsic understanding of The Resource Management Act, and the use of natural and physical resources in our environment and within the bounds of district and regional plans.

We provide advice on all aspects of resource management law and how it relates to your business or property, including:

  • Obtaining resource consents, plan changes, certificates of compliance and existing use, designations or other environmental approvals
  • Preparation and advice on district and regional plans, policy statements, and submissions on plan changes
  • Compliance and liability issues including defending enforcement proceedings and resource management prosecutions
  • Consents for large scale activities including quarrying and intensive farming
  • Interpretation of district and regional plan requirements
  • Applications to extend resource consents
  • Due diligence for property transactions
  • The interrelationship of Treaty of Waitangi and resource management law, and implications for landowners and iwi
  • Coastal issues
  • Representation at Local Authority, Environment Court, District and High Court hearings and at Boards of Inquiry
  • Preparation and presentation of submissions in opposition to resource management applications
  • Strategic, policy and practical advice on resource management issues

Read our articles on resource management law

Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

The Government is continuing its phased approach to its promised resource management reform. Phase one of the reform repealed the Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act. These Acts were repealed in December 2023.

Environment Court Appeals

What is an Environment Court appeal? When can I appeal a decision? What does an appeal involve? These are common questions that we are asked regularly. Whether you are contemplating an appeal or seeking clarity on the nuances of resource management law, this article shares insights into the key considerations of an Environment Court appeal.
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Experts in the field

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