Alexandria Till
Alex is an experienced employment law specialist and workplace investigator.
Alex works in a proactive manner to manage risk exposure, regardless of whether a client is an employer or employee, in a cost effective manner. Alex draws on her skills developed as a diplomat and whilst serving in the military to develop strong relationships with clients and peers so she can achieve positive results. When necessary Alex attends mediation and appears before various judicial authorities including the Employment Court.
Alex is an experienced investigator who is a member of the Association of Workplace Investigators (AWI) and holds the AWI Institute Certificate in international best practice investigations. Alex has carried out investigations on a wide range of matters including those containing allegations of sexual misconduct and bullying. She is able to guide her clients through what can often be a confusing and challenging landscape.
Sectors that Alex regularly advises include: healthcare, manufacturing, agri/rural and education. Alex regularly gives seminars and develops training modules for clients on employment law issues- including to other lawyers, and EMA courses.
Alex continues to share her passion for education through her role as a trustee for the Waikato Kindergarten Association and Hamilton West Primary School.
Alex is a member of the NZLS Waikato Bay of Plenty Employment Committee and HRNZ.
Areas of expertise include:
Employment Law
- Personal grievances
- Procedural requirements for disciplinary and performance matters
- Restructuring
- Restraints of trade (drafting and enforcement)
- Holidays Act 2003 advice including wage arrears
- Drafting appropriate terms and conditions of employment
- Handbook and policy document development and review
- Independent contractor agreements
- Management of employees and contractors
- Sale of business and transfer of employees
- Protected (vulnerable) employees
- Restructure
Workplace investigations
- Terms of reference
- Independent appointment
- Employee dispute resolution
- Investigations
- Governance